
Here's a few testimonials for you to enjoy!

I am teaching online students and clients who are feeling the benefits of our ongoing transformative work together

vocal activation - soundscapes - ceremonial space holding - one to one energy wor

Please feel free to contact me

Lisa Henrike's testimonial

We worked togther many times over the course of four months or so

Lisa first attended a two hour vocal workshop with me, this led to her attending a two day vocal workshop, my vocal sound healer training program in Guatemala and a plant medicine ceremony, we also worked one to one to unravel the blockages she was experiencing around her voice, we went deep into her personal fears and worked mindfully to shine a light on the shadows

It's such a blessing to work with all these amazing people

Momos testimonial:

Me and Momo had a wonderful connection, she came to me with a fear around her voice as well as connecting to the shamanic drum as a tool for channeling, she felt some connection to her ancestry that she was usure about

We opened this up in a safe container together, and she was able to rise above any doubts

By supporting each other as a global community we can re-connect to our truth, our ancestry, our power

My clients break through fear, embracing their connection to the great mystery

Stefan's vocal lessons were life changing for me. Unlike any other music lesson I've taken, Stefan's style of teaching is super intuitive and fun.

I've never been able to fully enjoy or express myself through singing or sound.

The work I did with Stefan was the first big step toward that.

Really mean every word of that by the way bro, I've been singing and playing guitar every day since our lessons.

Brad W Morris


I have been singing all my life and was seeking to find a way to use my voice for healing and also connect to more intuitive side of using my voice and singing.

In San Marcos I found that Stefan is giving vocal lessons and vocal activation classes so I decided to take one or more classes depending on how would the first one feel.
Immediately I found Stefan's energy to be very light and supportive.

At the first class we went through chakras by activating our voices which felt very purifying. After that Stefan teached me his technique of intuitive healing with voice and I got to practice that with him. Working with this technique felt very natural for me and Stefan was such a good teacher giving clear instructions and encouraging me the whole time.

I then went on and took two more lessons and learned more about this healing technique. It was such a beautiful experience with Stefan and he really helped me connect with my voice in a new way!

I'm excited to see where it takes me in the future.



I've traveled throughout the world seeking different modalities to help me heal and change. Nowhere have I found such a profoundly unique and Transformational experience as I have with Stefan's work.

He is a sound shaman in the truest sense of the word.

I've had 5 sessions to date and after every session I leave in awe of his skill, technique, and overall wisdom that has helped me heal, grow, and change in ways no other modality or medicine ever has.

Thank you a million times over Stefan!



"have a beautiful day!"