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In person offerings:

Sound healing

One:one & group sessions

"The future of healing is sound"

Sound healing opens us to a state of meditation for deep self healing

Supported by planetary frequencies and conscious intentions

Each unique session is offered in true alignment with your highest good

Channeled vocal transmissions

Channeled intuitive soundscapes from high vibrational specialist equipment

Personal healing

Energy work

A shamanic practice stemming from my teachings in the UK

you can Experience:

Timeline & ancestral healing

Emotional release/heart openings

Energetic clearings

Lasting shifts in state of being

Attachments released

A new scene of inner space for personal growth

Psychic activation - vision guidance - spirit guidance

Physical ailments eased - energy lines & chakras balanced

Prayer & medicine


Ceremonies reconnect us to our ancestral roots

Elements & plant medicine

In integrity - stemming from my teachings with indigenous communities in Central America

Who for?

For families, couples and solo spiritual seekers

Mark a special day or rights of passage

Celebrate life!

you can Experience:

- Connect to your prayers & manifestations -

Remember your ancestry

- Sacred fire -

Connection to nature through natural medicines

- Respect and love for yourself and your loved ones -

Connection to great spirit / universe / higher - self

- Speak your wisdom -

Receive wisdom from the ceremony

- Integration time -

Vocal transmissions

Personal vocal coach & group vocal activation events

Vocal activation coach

1:1 & group

Connect to your voice and receive embodied spiritual guidance

Who for?

For all who wish to free their true voice


- Vocal freedom techniques -

Clear traumas around the voice

- Empower your life -

Speak your truth

- Gain confidence in public speaking and group singing -

Face fears of being heard

- Activate your throat chakra -

Receive a "tool kit" for the voice

- Exercises and techniques to unleash your potential -

Self healing with your voice

- ASMR practices -

Photo gallery

About Stefan