Online offerings

Vocal activation & personal development coaching

Transform your relationship to your voice and to yourself.

In this intimate container I hold space and give expert guidance on activating the voice and inner truth

Through connecting to your voice you can begin to manifest your best reality, the empowerment of the voice is key to personal development and spiritual growth

Who for?

Those looking for support and compassion on their vocal journey

Singers and vocalists wanting to expand their awareness of the voice

Ceremonialists and energy healers seeking more connection to voice

Public speakers and those who wish to be heard

People who are interested in the healing potential of the voice for self healing or others

Musicians and artists wishing for a new direction and power

EVERYONE! we all have totally unique voices and they deserve to be heard!!!

Remote shamanic healing sessions

Combination of shamanic practices, sonic entrainment and auto-suggestion techniques

For who?

Those who seek energetic, emotional, physical, psychological, spiritual healing

People who are interested in the alternative healing arts but have no physical access to a practitioner

If your are feeling stuck energetically these sessions can really help get things moving

Those who want to release stress and anxiety

EVERYONE! we can all benefit from these sessions:

How does it work?

I set the intention to channel what is for your highest good, sometimes we have no mental idea of what work needs to be done

By opening up to the infinite love of the universe unexpected gifts or messages and visions can be received

High vibrational energy downloads come to boost your experience of this beautiful life

You will be sat or lay in a comfortable position and I will be guided to channel healing remotely, through space and time, they are illusion, we are all connected

What do you want to receive?