One to one

or group

Sound Healer Training Program

this is more than a training program

its an immersive exploration into sound

A JOURNEY INTO your inner self

Sound healer facilitator training

Discover ways to work with sound for healing yourself and others


Ko Pha-Ngan, Thailand

Co-creating with the 5 elements

Ether: Day 2 - Creation

This is a day to explore and play

Free-flow with the different instruments and each other

Have time to ask questions and share our experiences with sound, opening up the path ahead and illuminating personal interests in sound

Air: Day 3 - Voice

Concentrating on the voice, we will reveal how to access your voice for healing and how to apply this in group and individual sound healing sessions (introduction to vocal sound healing)

Light language activation & vocal playshop

How to create loving sessions using guided meditations & affirmations / consciously opening & closing sessions, learn how to combine your voice with instruments to craft your own unique sound - We discuss the use of scales and intervals in sound healing

Fire: Day 4 - Soul & sacred space

On this day we focus on proximity & velocity of sound within group and solo sessions

Drum and voice workshop

Explore the importance of creating a safe & sacred space

Water: Day 5 - Emotions & sensations

Opening with a Cacao ceremony to connect to our heart space

Sonic massage playshop using Himalayan bowls

Explore ways to express your emotions and channel the group sentiment

Discussing and practicing use of plant and elemental allies within sound healing

Earth: Day 6 - Connection & limitations

Build your own Chakapa, in a walk of discovery we will find natural objects to include in your soundscapes

Self practice rituals for sound healers and energy workers

How to structure a sound healing session - concepts

Working within limitations, birthing creativity & building your sound journey

The opening day 1:

We begin with a brief introduction to your facilitator Stefan

Once we are settled we will begin with a chanting session of 108 Ohms

After this we will have an introduction of who we are & why we are here

We will look at the instruments and I will give you guidance on how to play each one

The day will close with a sound journey offered by Stefan

The closing day 7:

The day begins with mantra chanting and setting intentions

You will host your own sound healing journey (with free use of all instruments) for friends and/or the public

This will last approximately 1.5 hours

After this we have a sharing circle & closing ceremony

Structure of days:

All days will begin at 10am with group meditations or group chanting

We will have sharing circles each day to check in and make sure everyone's needs are being met to the best of my abilities - Q&A's

We will have a pot luck style lunch break each day around 13:00

We will finish each day between 16:30 & 17:30


25'000 thb

What will you get from this training?

This 7 days initiation training program will shine a light on the essence of sound healing -

A week of deep connection to sound - spirit - vibration - to your inner world and unique abilities as a facilitator

Confidently begin your journey in sound healing with a "tool kit" and hours of hands on experience

Play & practice using rare and specialised instruments

Acquire new skills and find your own questions surrounding the application of sound healing

Connect to your soul and heart to discover your unique flavor in sound

Take away practical exercises and techniques to empower your voice as a vocalist, space holder and singer

Initiate your voice as a healing instrument - activate ancestral light language

Explore the science behind sound healing and how to incorporate it into your practice

This will be an intimate container allowing me ample time to dedicate to you, supporting you in the deepening of your practice

Gain first hand experience of conducting one to one and group sound healing sessions

Receive homework and reading lists that will help you grow as a sound healer facilitator

I will support you with love and compassion, sharing my wisdom and first hand experiences with an open heart and mind

As this is an initiation program, we will focus on the basics of sound healing, using our intuition - guided by scientific study, play & intention

You will receive a certificate of attendance after completion

For solo learner

18'000 thb

Per person for groups of up to four people

About Stefan

Photo gallery of instruments